For those who have not done so already: GET OUT AND VOTE!!!
Now is not the time to be choosy because the perfect candidate is not on the ballot. A flawed, but acceptable candidate who will protect our civil rights is on the ballot: Mitt Romney. GET OUT AND VOTE!!!
Now is not the time to think that your vote does not matter. It does. Help stop the Obamanization of America. GET OUT AND VOTE!!!
It is not inevitable that either Obama or Romney will win. Put your support where it counts: Mitt Romney. GET OUT AND VOTE!!!
If you want the economy to have a chance of improving and for jobs to be created, support Mitt Romney. GET OUT AND VOTE!!!
If you want to retire the "Gun Salesman of the Year" and be able to keep the guns you have: GET OUT AND VOTE!!!
There are lots more reasons to defeat Obama. But you must GET OUT AND VOTE!!!
And for those of you who are conservative and/or libertarian but don't like Mitt Romney for some reason or another, please think very carefully about what your vote means. I like to vote on principle, too, but I am not going to help Obama stay in office by throwing my vote to Gary Johnson or another fringe candidate. (Yes, Johnson is a fringe candidate. Get over it.) Nevertheless, GET OUT AND VOTE!!!
In my humble opinion, if you don't vote, you can't complain.
And last, if you are an Obamoron, please stay home and yak on your Obamaphone.
Constitutional Dictatorship?
4 hours ago