Once again, liberal tooth fairy and temporarily President Barack "Barry Soetoro" Obama is threatening to deliver goodies to his people in the dead of night, using his mighty pen and telephone to issue dictatorial orders if that bad ole' Congress does not march in lockstep with him. Once upon a time, in the America I grew up in, that bad ole' Congress would put the kibosh on the tyrannical fool in the White House and refuse to fund his executive branch bullies. Anyone remember Henry Hyde and Todd Tiahrt? And on extreme occasions the possibility of impeachment was openly discussed. On rarer occasions acted upon.
Then there is Congressman John Boehner, Speaker of the House. I won't say defender of liberty, because I just can't see him in that role. Defender of statism, cronyism, and the status quo? Most definitely. Mr. Boehner's response to Soetoro-Obama? "We have the Constitution." Literally. Go look at his
Facebook page. Even has a "hero shot", looking up at Mr. Boehner as he holds some document in his hand. Judging from past experience with Mr. Boehner, he is probably holding his new agreement with the Obama White House for him to personally clean its septic tank for $1,000,000.00, payable by Mr. Boehner.
As I scrolled down Mr. Boehner's Facebook page, I noticed that Mr. Boehner actually has a little bit more to say on the topic: "
President Obama says he has a pen and a phone he can use to bypass Congress. Pens and phones are nice, but we have the Constitution..." A bit further down the page, I was heartened to see that Americans are not the rubes that Mr. Boehner takes us for. Commentary was decidedly critical of Mr. Boehner, mostly not in a way favorable to Mr. Soetoro-Obama. Some of the more recent comments:
What's taking so long for YOU to do SOMETHING!? Appoint a special committee to investigate Benghazi, already! Impeach Eric Holder for lying to congress about Fast and Furious. And, prosecute those responsible for using the IRS to harass American citizens, all the way up to and including those in, the White House. Do it! Now!";
"When you take action to stop this dictator,then I will start to believe you. When he is impeached then I might start to trust you. Until then it is all blah,blah,blah.";
"Then use it! Impeach him! and read the comments on this post.. The people of the country are tired of your words and no ACTION...Mr Speaker!";
and my favorite:
"Grow a pair and go get him."