Tuesday, July 14, 2015

One more reason to like Donald Trump

An NBC reporter asks Donald Trump about whether he owns a gun and about gun control:

KATY TUR, NBC NEWS: You're for the Second Amendment. Do you have a gun?

DONALD TRUMP: I have a license to have a gun. Yes I do.

NBC: Do you use it? Gun ranges?

DONALD TRUMP: It is none of your business, it is really none of your business. I have a license to have a gun.

NBC: Gun control.

DONALD TRUMP: What are you talking about? Yes I have a gun and yes I have a permit for it.

NBC: Stronger background checks. What about that? Is there any steps that you would take to make it harder to get a gun in this country.

DONALD TRUMP: The problem is once you get into that you start getting into a situation, the slippery slope, where all of a sudden you are going to violate the Second Amendment. I don't want to violate the Second Amendment. To me the Second Amendment is very important.

Another reason I am liking Donald Trump for President.  He gets to the point.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Trouble in River City: of the Good Kind

There will be a protest in support of Anthony Bosworth, who was accosted by local variants of federal jackbooted thugs for exercising his right to be armed on public property outside the Thomas S. Foley Kremlin Building here in Spokane, Washington.  It will occur on Friday, March 6, 2015 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  A good summation of the details can be had in David Codrea's article, here.

Mike Vanderboegh of Sipsey Street plans on attending.  For that reason alone I am going to try and take some time off work to meet Mike.  Also, probably wouldn't hurt to have a pro-gun attorney around.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Netanyahu: A Leader for His People

Watched Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress from this morning.  Puts his own country's interests first.  A true leader for his nation.  Unlike ours.  The graphic below sums up my feelings today.