"George W. Bush, the object of endless scorn and derision, had 30 countries behind him a "Coalition of the Willing" that supported us, joined us, sent troops. Obama, OTOH, has no one. Not even Congress. Not even the American people. The effete commander in chief is going it alone. How's returning the Winston Churchill statue working out for you, Mr. President?"
Pamela Geller, at Atlas Shrugs.
Ms. Geller's article, that I have linked to, has another quote that sums up my feelings about the misadventures of Obama in Syria. That Germans "sense a possible "Archduke of Ferdinand" response igniting a World War too close to home". I note that Secretary of State Lurch was set up as the fall guy, so that Obama has cover whether it was a mistake, a war crime, or decides on another apology.
Constitutional Dictatorship?
14 hours ago
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