Or, more racist blatherings from the Left.
Some Marxist Moonbats just don't get it. The country we want back is the one where people were free and the government was limited. You know, the one where the Constitution was the law of the land, people were self-made, and government was viewed with a wary eye.
The following media morons wouldn't know the Constitution if I spanked their spoiled asses with it:
Frank Rich, writing in the New York Times "The Rage is Not About Health Care", which I expounded on in my Sunday post, below. Summary of Rich's opinion: Those opposed to the grandiose vision of the Left are racists.
Joan Walsh, writing in Salon, "What's the Matter with White People" alleging that opposition to the Progressive ideals such as Obamacare is rooted in white racism. NOT. The "other people" that we think would be the recipient of government redistribution of income could be anyone, including whites. Were Joan and Frank Rich separated at birth?
Colbert King, writing in the Washington Post, "In the faces of Tea Party shouters, images of hate and history" suggesting that Tea Party protesters against the health bill are the equivalent of racists protesting the integration of Little Rock's Central High School in 1957. It appears that Mr. King is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. He has been held hostage by the Democratic Party so long that he forgets that it is the Democrats who fought to keep Blacks enslaved, dominated the South and Blacks after the Civil War, and have used government welfare to further subjugate Blacks from the 1960's onward. Pity the fool.
Ray Hanania, writing at Huffington Post (I know, hardly even qualifies for "media"), "Opposition to Obama Health Care Reform Driven by Racism, Not Fear of Increasing Debt" alleging the usual liberals' tired arguments that opposition to the Progressive ideal is grounded in racism. Somebody give this guy a real job so that he can see something outside of his mother's basement.
Frank James, writing at National Public Radio (a grandaddy of left-wing fruit-loopery), "Health-Care Protests Bring Out Racist, Homophobic Slurs" alleging that opposition to Obamacare is rooted in "free-form hostility some Americans feel towards the political ascendancy of people who don't look like them or who have a different sexual orientation." No, it's because I cherish my right to choose my health care and to be free from paying for yours.
For some effective rebuttals to the above nonsense, read responses by Pat Sajak, Andrew Breitbart, and David Paul Kuhn.
Beware the man flashing the race card. He is the true racist. And usually from the Left.
Remember in November.
Constitutional Dictatorship?
14 hours ago
And with a smile, too. Thanks, Ray.