Many of us have storage units, whether of the kind that are rented at some mini-storage complex or of the kind that we have set aside on our property. Years ago it was commonplace for this storage to consist of food storage, often referred to as the pantry. When I was a kid growing up in Alaska, we had a significant amount of space dedicated to storage of canned and frozen foods. My parents probably had enough food stored away to last us six months. Although nearly all food has to be shipped into Alaska from the lower 48, I suspect that the amount of stored food had more to do with my dad having lived through the Great Depression as a young man than any real threat of scarcity.
Today, few families have pantries or any significant food storage. Most people seem to rely on the grocery stores to be open and fully stocked. For my generation, our grandparents lived in a time when food scarcity was a real issue and having a significant food supply at home was the norm.
Aside from the grocery stores, our country today seems to believe that it is the government's job to put away reserves of food, particularly grains such as wheat and corn. At some time in the past we became accustomed to the idea that the government had some vast "storage unit" where surplus grain and other food commodities were stored. These surpluses have been used to help regulate the price of commodities and to ensure a supply when harvests are not sufficient.
I would like to posit a thought on the idea of the government storage unit filled with grains on behalf of the citizenry. Even if the storage unit were full, does anyone actually believe that the government, and the current regime in particular, would just unlock the storage unit in the event of a food crisis? This is the same regime, as represented by Rahm Emanuel, that said, "Never let a crisis go to waste." In essence, if the government were to dispense from its storage unit in a crisis, there will be a price to pay. I believe it will be: Your liberty for a loaf of bread.
From what I have been reading from various news sources, the storage unit is near empty. That is actually a good thing. Not for the sheeple and welfarites, but for free men and women. Why would any of us who cherish liberty want to rely upon the government to maintain our food storage unit? Such a reliance flies in the face of the principles of good stewardship and taking personal responsibility as the price of liberty.
Each of us as free men and women should have our own storage units full of wheat, corn, and other foodstuffs. Not just as preppers for some future crisis, but as fulfillment of our personal responsibility to provide for our selves and our families.
Now is the time to recognize that the government is not only morally and financially bankrupt, but is also unable to care for the citizenry it has covered with its ever-expanding umbrella of promises. Expect that the government, with its storage unit of food being empty, to confiscate food supplies from responsible citizens, citing the cause of the "general welfare".
We are seeing rising prices of food stuffs as I write this. Some of this rise in price is due to scarcity. Some is due to inflation. But what is inflation? A common definition is "too many dollars chasing too few goods." In other words, abundance of money and scarcity of goods. Some, such as Kellene Bishop (
here and
here), are predicting a six month window of opportunity between the wholesale rise in commodity prices and the retail rise in prices.
Right now is the time for preppers to make substantial additions to their long-term storage of grains and other foodstuffs and for those without food storage to get with the program and make substantial purchases. In one respect, this is an investment, provided that one buys non-perishable foods. Money spent today will likely be money not spent in the future, because the food can be incorporated into one's daily menu if the looming food crisis does not arrive. This is a far better strategy than believing that the government food storage unit will be both full and opened to the public.