Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Retarded Politician of the Week

Retarded Politician of the Week honors go to Senator Ben Nelson, D-Nebraska. Nelson announced today that he would support the finance reform bill which is awaiting a vote in the senate. In announcing his support, Nelson said, “I will support the Wall Street reform bill to end bailouts, add commonsense consumer protections and make sure that Nebraska Main Street businesses are not adversely affected as we rein in recklessness on Wall Street."
Let's see, bailouts of all those Wall Street firms occurred because the House of Representatives and Senate proposed and then approved laws that used taxpayer funds to bail out those firms. Then the House and Senate discovered that their poorly written bailout package allowed Wall Street firms to earn obscene profits from taxpayer funds. Then the House and Senate propose a law which would prevent the House and Senate from future bailouts of Wall Street firms with taxpayer funds, which is misnamed the Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010.

In essence, Senator Nelson is in favor of a law which would prevent him and his Komrades from passing a law giving taxpayer funds to Wall Street firms.

It's like saying: I voted for a terrible law, so I will support a law that would prevent me from approving of another such terrible law in the future.

How retarded. Nelson proves that you cannot legislate common sense.

Runners up: Senator Olympia Snowe, R(INO)-Maine and Senator Scott Brown, R(INO)-Massachusetts for betraying their principles and supporting such a deeply flawed piece of legislation. Snowe has a long history of colluding with libtards. I had high hopes for Brown, who now appears to be channeling the demon spirit of Ted Kennedy. Nobody who is not an Obootlicker should be voting for a financial "reform" bill drafted/sponsored by the severely ethically compromised Wall Street toady soon-to-be-former-Senator Christopher Dodd. See his list of contributors here.

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