I just thought of an interesting idea to get the attention of legislators and executives of the major airlines as a protest against TSA (team sexual assault?) screening procedures.
Remember when citizens were pissed off at the government and mailed tea bags to them? I had an alternate idea to mail a bag of cheap pork rinds to my legislators. A little more expensive than a tea bag, at $1.00 per bag of pork rinds plus $1.38 postage.
How about mailing a dirty blue exam glove to each of our federal legislators and to the board members of each major airline? By dirty I mean having had contact with dirt or dust sufficient to appear used. I would not suggest dipping the glove in urine, animal feces, or any other dangerous substance. The blue nitrile gloves are fairly inexpensive and available at Harbor Freight Tools and other home improvement, hardware, and auto parts stores. I have a box of them in the garage for when I paint things or work on the cars.
Of course, to make the message more effective it might help to write "TSA" on the glove with a sharpie and enclose/attach an "instruction card" reading something like: "Official TSA exam glove for Senator (blank). Please bring with you to the TSA security station at the airport for use in your security screening process." I don't believe in sending anything anonymously through the mail, so I would also enclose a letter explaining the purpose of the dirty exam glove. I could be something as simple as: "Dear Senator: I urge you to defund the Transportation Security Administration for its heavy-handed, unsanitary, pornographic, and unnecessary assault on American citizens at the gates of America's airports."
If thousands of citizens sent a dirty blue exam glove to his federal legislators and to the executives of the major airlines, could those symbolic acts drum up even more attention against TSA? Maybe inspire airlines to put pressure on legislators to defund TSA? Maybe even inspire my lazy, corrupt senators to push for defunding TSA?
For those of you taking the time to read this: Is this an idea that could get traction? How about improvements or some kind of standardization (such as blue glove, instruction card, suggested language for the letter)? Is anyone with a high traffic site interested in putting this idea out there?
Please leave a comment if you have any thoughts about this idea.
Constitutional Dictatorship?
4 hours ago